Mahamantar Vishav Bank for devotees
Jammu Yatri Bhawan Trust launches “Mahamantar Vishav Bank” for devotees
On 28th August, 2012- Jammu Yatri Bhawan Trust launches “Mahamantra Vishav Bank” for devotees, world over, for the welfare of the entire humanity and universe. On this auspicious occasion Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President said that under this unique drive, notebooks with the Mahamantra “Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ” printed on the notebook will be distributed among the religious minded people all over the world, for them to write repeatedly on the notebooks, with each notebook having space for 11000 Mahamantras to be written. These copies will be distributed against proper receipt and after filling these with 11000 Mahamantras, the same will be deposited back by the devotees with the Yatri Bhawan at its Head office in Jammu or at its office at Haridwar, the copies so deposited after writing Mahamantras will be kept in the ledger books with the Trust. The operation Jurisdiction of the Bank will be all over the world. However to avoid cost of postage of notebooks to foreign countries the Mahamantras will be put on the website of the Bank from where the Directors of the Bank in the foreign lands will taken from the website and then distributed these to the members enrolled for the purpose.
“Directors of the Bank will be appointed within the country and in the foreign lands who will donate Rs 11000/- each to the Bank and will also be responsible for filling or get filled” 11 notebooks with “ Mahamantras written on these Five persons who filled the maximum numbers will be awarded with three days pilgrimages to any of this five pilgrimages in the country, the entire cost of which will be borne by the Jammu Yatri Bhawan Trust, besides five students who fill largest numbers of copies will be given the educational scholarship in form of their fees, educational aids etc. This drive will also be launched in education Institutions. It was further clarified that on every month on Sakranti the collected filled copies will be immersed in the sacred Ganga Ji or in any sacred river in the country, but their accounts will remain in the ledger books. The donors donating 1200 copies with costing Rs. 5/- each will get their names and photographs published on the same and also put in the website of the Jammu Yatri Bhawan.
Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President while elaborating the objective of the drive said that this will inculcate spirit of concentration and devotion to almighty by the writers, who will get blessings in terms of overcoming all ailments or other problems in life. The members can also transfer their accounts as donations to other needy persons.
The devotees who want to visit Haridwar during this month should establish contact with Yatri Bhawan Trust office at Jammu in advance so that arrangements for their boarding and lodging at Haridwar are made to their satisfaction.